
“AFORISMI – 11 etudes for solo vibraphone” 


La parola greca “aforisma” indica una massima, un detto, un’affermazione,
che in brevi e succose parole racchiude il risultato di considerazioni,
osservazioni ed esperienze durate anni.

L’idea che sta dietro a questa raccolta era dunque quella di scrivere un
insieme di brevi studi che affrontassero in maniera musicale e non noiosa
alcuni “talloni d’Achille” della tecnica vibrafonistica: l’interdipendenza tra
mano destra e mano sinistra, l’uso del pedale applicato al fraseggio, le
ottave, le seste, nonché alcune delle tecniche fondamentali tra cui il
dampening ed il dead stroke.
Prefazione di D. Friedman:

Although the vibraphone certainly has achieved more recognition then it had when I started out, there is still much work to do. I think the key to the instrument earning it’s rightful place among other more “established” instruments lies in the realm of musical expression. The invention of dampening and nuanced pedaling techniques has certainly helped to move the vibraphone into that “grey” area, somewhere between tempered and non-tempered instruments.
Giovanni Perin has mastered these techniques and has created a series of etudes which translate them into pure music.
Each of his compositions in this new publication highlights certain technical challenges and will, in my opinion, help serious students of the vibraphone to reach a heightened level of expression and musicality. The ultimate result will hopefully be new players with the ability to create more exposure and opportunities for themselves and their music.

David Friedman